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  • Mindy Walton

A First Look at CUSD80 Board Candidate Crystal Markowsky

In the most recent CUSD80 board meeting Markowsky donned a black face mask and spoke about protecting vulnerable transgender students from Republicans. Video at end of article.

Crystal English Markowsky is - according to her LinkedIn profile - Director, Global Head of Corporate Functions & Global Business Processes Audit at PayPal, working out of the Chandler offices of PayPal. She has filed a statement of interest for running in the CUSD80 board election in November 2022. We could not ascertain how her signature collection is progressing. According to our research, Markowsky does not yet have a campaign website.

Markowsky has an accounting degree from New Mexico State University and an MBA from Arizona State University. Her corporate career is focused on tax compliance and auditing. Markowsky is raising 3 children and says that she is a CUSD parent. According to her social media profile she is a supporter of Planned Parenthood and Black Lives Matter.

She once interned for New Mexico's last Republican Senator, Pete V. Domenici. Domenici is the father of Adam Laxalt, the former Attorney General of Nevada and current Republican Nevada Senate candidate, challenging Democrat incumbent Catherine Cortez Masto.

In her address to the Chandler Unified School District, CUSD80, board on 30 March 2022, Markowsky - see video below - somewhat cryptically referred to an "anti-school bill" signed by governor Doug Ducey. She presumably is referring to the bill that bans transgender students from competing in women's sports, which Ducey signed on 30 March 2022. The bill does not ban transgender students from competing in men's sports, by the way. The bill also outlaws gender re-assignment surgery for anyone under the age of 18. Ducey also signed a bill banning abortions past 15 weeks. With modern technology, genetic abnormalities can be detected at around 10 weeks.

Markowsky said that Chandler students should be able to feel safe and protected. She did not return our request for comment. We presume that her statements echo common leftist identity politics mantras that group people by identities and then classify them as victims or oppressors in order to use politics of shame and guilt in order to extract concessions. However, the desire to ban transgender girls and women from competing in women's sports, including entering girl's/women's locker rooms, is not entirely partisan. There are some Democrats who favor this as well. Some argue that sports - the competition, not the locker room - should not be segregated by gender at all. Markowsky quotes Reginald Bolding, Democrat House minority leader as saying: "this bill represents a dark day in the history of the state of Arizona". Bolding is currently running for the post of Arizona Secretary of State.

All this, together with the black face mask, in our view puts Markowsky at the extreme left, on par with someone like current CUSD80 board member and BLM activist Lindsay Love. Did we just associate black face masks with fascism? Yes, we did, just like we associate the wearing of a swastika armband with German ethno-socialism. We don't judge a book by its cover, but a books cover certainly shows us its title. It should also be noted that said extreme left has really taken over the Democratic Party from the neoliberals and essentially pushed it into the radical, fascist and even ethno-socialist columns. Extreme hence doesn't anymore mean fringe, extreme has become leftist mainstream.

This should also open the minds of those who sometimes refuse to look their political opposition in the eye and instead refer to "George Soros" and "all that money" as their enemies. Instead, your political opposition is living amongst you. Yes, it is true, there are people/voters who actually want masks on children, who want critical race theory in schools, oppressive taxes, lockdowns, free speech crack downs, cancellation and suppression of their political enemies. Yes, there is a non-negligible percentage of the population, perhaps 10 to 20%, who want authoritarianism/fascism and even ethno-socialism. Within the public/government education system the percentage is even higher - the percentage of good teachers left in the system is shrinking as a result - as such people tend to gravitate into the corrupt modern education establishment where they can indoctrinate innocent children with their toxic politics while getting paid inflated government sector union wages at tax payers expense.



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