What makes the Chandler School District highly ranked? Good teachers and admin, or smart parents and their smart kids? How it will be destroyed soon.
Chicago teachers unions have driven wages well up into the 6 figures. Yet, students in Chicago schools can barely read and write when they exit high school. Is that the fault of teachers, or is it the students?
In Arizona, teachers unions have been held at bay somewhat and salaries are more reasonable, leaving taxpayers more breathing room. Some Chandler Unified School District (CUSD80) schools are relatively high performing (but others are not). Is that because teachers here are special, or is it because of the high percentage of Asians who live in Chandler because they work in tech?
The student body mostly determines the quality of a school
We spare you the suspense. The quality of a school is primarily determined by the student body. Yes, bad teachers can mess up classes with good students, it's always easy to make things worse. But good teachers can't make dumb students smarter.
Rather than using many words to say what the Western world needs to hear to dispel the persistent myth of the noble savage (see video below), we present below a map showing the origins of Nobel Prize winners. The Nobel is given for Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and Peace; also economics thought it's not strictly a Nobel Prize. Note that the map below includes Literature and Peace, which are much more easily manipulated than the hard science subjects. Yasser Arafat, Al Gore and Barack Obama for example got Nobel Peace Prizes, having done nothing for peace. Out of 1,139 Nobel Laureates, 927, or 81%, are from North America and Europe. If we just look at the 3 science Nobels, physics, chemistry and medicine, the number rises to 90%. Note that Russia and Asia also have significant numbers of Nobel Prize winners. We leave it up to the reader to figure out what kind of people live in the places that produce science Nobel Prize winners, as well as tech start up founders, engineers and so on.
What we will mention is the high number of Jewish Nobel Prize winners, both before and after the Holocaust. This shows that oppression - Hitler's genocide killed around 6 Million European Jews, leaving only about 1 Million in Europe today - does not lead to poor academic outcomes. Science Nobels have been given for discoveries, theories and inventions ranging from x-rays, electron microscopes, transistors, solar cells, LEDs, structure of DNA and ribosome, and many more breakthroughs underlying our modern, enlightened and free society.

Communists: class struggle didn't work, let's do a race struggle instead
In order to destroy the West from within the narrative currently being pushed by communists in the West is that its success is based upon oppression. However, this is false. In truth its success is based on an enlightened ideology based on science, inquiry, freedom and truth and on its people. Those that seek to seed doubts about it and claim that it was colonialism, slavery and segregation, want to destroy the West, and probably its people. The communist narrative has been racialized because Karl Marx's theorized class struggle never materialized. So a race struggle is instead being conjured up.
Chandler's Gifted Schools soon under assault by racialists?
Chandler's two gifted elementary schools, Knox Gifted Academy and Weinberg Gifted Academy are full of Asian and White students from intact two parent households, often employed in tech or medicine. Nature and nurture at home work together to produce excellent students. School rankings reflect that quality of the students, not so much the quality of the staff. That's not to put the staff down, but it's easy to get high ratings when all your students are smart and are nurtured at home as well.
How will it be destroyed? Under the inept leadership of pastor Kevin Hartke as mayor, the Chandler City Council has recently turned deep blue, as in hard left. The Chandler School District, already very liberal, is at risk of a hard left turn as well with the candidates currently running on the left, Barb Mozdzen (a current board member of the CUSD80), Claudia Mendoza and Zeyna Pruzhanovsky. All are teachers or education administrators. The lack of black students in the gifted schools is already a thorn in the eye of some City Council and school board members and school board candidates. The lowering of standards will be required to "fix" this "injustice".
A cautionary example of DEI decay: Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Tech in Virginia
The best public high school in the US used to be Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia. Just like Knox and Weinberg in Chandler, they were able to select their students based on test scores, rather than having to take everyone who lives within a certain area. Just like at Knox and Weinberg, this led to a heavily Asian and white student body that excelled at academics and drove up the rankings to No.1. Recently new school administrators changed this policy, forcing the school to take in a certain number of students from certain geographical areas, rather than just the best overall. This has reduced the number of Asian and white students, and has increased the size of the black student body. The ranking of the school immediately nose dived. It is now ranked at only No.14 in the country. A drop from 1 to 14 in just a few years proves that it is the student body, not the teachers, that determine the ranking of a school.
It will likely happen to Chandler schools as well
The same will most likely happen to the gifted schools within the Chandler Unified School district. Administrators will give into pressure by racialist City Council members and school board members and will sacrifice the well being of their smartest students, and the rankings of their best schools, in order not to be called racist.
Could this have been prevented? Yes of course. No one forced Chandler politicians to build section 8 apartment housing which brought and still brings in heaps of left and far left voters. But they did. After all, the short term increase in business for Chamber of Commerce members due to additional customers is much more important than the long term integrity of the community and voting prospects of Republicans. The GOP just can't seem to stop pursuing policies that push it out of power. Just look at California as example. The state voted for Ford and Reagan from 1976 to 1988. Now there are twice as many Democrat than Republican voters in the state. Will the GOP ever figure out how that happened, and perhaps stop making it happen elsewhere?
Video: The myth of the noble savage: