Maricopa County still counting votes - Video feed
East Valley Telegraph
The Valley Telegraph
Chandler, Gilbert & Queen Creek, Uncensored for Arizona
Election 2024: Chandler GOP bad. Arizona GOP OK. Lake lost.
Vote Trump. Vote for Lake too. Get others to do the same.
Crime on the rise: thugs steal truck, use it to steal more
Prop 139: Pro-Life lobby may lead to more late term abortions
Chandler school closers, mask pushers, want your money
Yang or Ellis for Chandler Council? Dumb and Dumber?
Council Member Christine Ellis is damaging Chandler
Aptly named GOP Supervisor Jack Sellers endorses Dem
Aaron Accurso is the better choice for Gilbert Town Council
CUSD80: STEM/Asian Parents, or Teacher Heroes?
OD Harris and wife go nuclear on Chandler
Chandler indoctrinates small kids in diversity woke-ism
Pay to Play in the Chandler Unified School District?
Are Chandler's dominant local media leftist?
Legal Trouble for the OD Harris Campaign in Chandler?
Heavy Police Presence in Chandler Neighborhood
RFK Jr. Endorses Trump, Trump in Glendale, Arizona
AZ Marxist Ruben Gallego Pretends to be a Moderate
As Chandler Republicans are in Disarray, the Far Left Wins